Jump Into The Cauldron


The Cauldron is Under Construction! Please feel free to send suggestions about what you would like to see added or learn more about! - Culliope

Hello, Travelers!

Pull up a chair to the fire. This big cauldron is where we cook up some fun and engagement for middle schoolers using the concepts and ideas of roleplaying games(RPGS). So grab a bowl and a spoon and let’s make something cool together!

You can also find us cooking up awesome campaigns and big picture ideas for our middle school roleplaying club, Heroes’ Hall.

Lastly, Culliope is working on a PhD in Education, and there will be buckets of resources and fun stocked on the pantry shelves as she finds them. So welcome, and Bon Appetit!

"Witches brew" by Eduardo_il_Magnifico is licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/


Who is Culliope?

Culliope is Maryanne Cullinan, a middle school teacher, mother of nerds, RPG enthusiast, PhD student at Lesley University and Patron Muse of RPGs in the classroom. She’s currently multiclassing as a Sorcerer-Cleric in game and in real life. She has a Masters Degree in Education from Brandeis University.

Maryanne is a member of the Academy for Virtual and Roleplaying Arts at Lesley University and a contributor to Rollforkindness.com. Her research interests include classroom culture and community, RPGs as vehicles for greater engagement with content and prosocial skills in middle schoolers, authentic, project based learning and student leadership development.

Photo “Ms. Cullinan’s Brain” by T. Lightfoot and A. Kelley, 6th graders, 2019.